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Jed Bartlet Quotes

These are excellent, but just too long to add to my email collection:

First, on drugs:

I inherited the war on drugs from a President, who inherited it from a President, who inherited it from a President before that. I’m not one hundred percent sure who we’re fighting, but I know we’re not winning. Ten years ago, we spent five billion dollars fighting drugs, and we did such a good job that last year, we spent sixteen billion. Sixty percent of federal prisoners are in jail on drug charges as opposed to two and a half percent that are there for violent crime. We imprison a higher percentage of our citizens than Russia did under communism, and South Africa under apartheid. Somewhere between fifty and eight-five percent of the prison population has a drug or alcohol abuse problem. We’ve tried just say no; I don’t think it’s gonna work.

Then, on partisanship:

Partisan politics is what the Founders had in mind. It guarantees that the minority opinion is heard, and as a lifelong possessor of minority opinions, I appreciate it. But if you’re troubled by it, Governor, you should know in this campaign, you’ve used the word liberal 74 times in one day. It was yesterday.


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