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PGI Compiler Bug

I ran across another PGI compiler bug that bears noting because it was so annoying to track down. Here’s the code:

static inline uint64_t qthread_cas64(
           volatile uint64_t *operand,
           const uint64_t newval,
           const uint64_t oldval)
    uint64_t retval;
    __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; cmpxchg %1,(%2)"
        : "=&a"(retval) /* store from RAX */
        : "r"(newval),
          "a"(oldval) /* load into RAX */
        : "cc", "memory");
    return retval;

Now, both GCC and the Intel compiler will produce code you would expect; something like this:

mov 0xffffffffffffffe0(%rbp),%r12
mov 0xffffffffffffffe8(%rbp),%r13
mov 0xfffffffffffffff0(%rbp),%rax
lock cmpxchg %r12,0x0(%r13)
mov %rax,0xfffffffffffffff8(%rbp)

In essence, that’s:

  1. copy the newval into register %r12 (almost any register is fine)
  2. copy the operand into register %r13 (almost any register is fine)
  3. copy the oldval into register %rax (as I specified with “a”)
  4. execute the ASM I wrote (the compare-and-swap)
  5. copy register %rax to the variable I specified

Here’s what PGI produces instead:

mov 0xffffffffffffffe0(%rbp),%r12
mov 0xffffffffffffffe8(%rbp),%r13
mov 0xfffffffffffffff0(%rbp),%rax
lock cmpxchg %r12,0x0(%r13)
mov %eax,0xfffffffffffffff8(%rbp)

You notice the problem? That last step became %eax, so only the lower 32-bits of my 64-bit CAS get returned!

The workaround is to do something stupid: be more explicit. Like so:

static inline uint64_t qthread_cas64(
           volatile uint64_t *operand,
           const uint64_t newval,
           const uint64_t oldval)
    uint64_t retval;
    __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; cmpxchg %1,(%2)\n\t"
            "mov %%rax,(%0)"
        : "r"(&retval) /* store from RAX */
          "a"(oldval) /* load into RAX */
        : "cc", "memory");
    return retval;

This is stupid because it requires an extra register; it becomes this:

mov 0xfffffffffffffff8(%rbp),%rbx
mov 0xffffffffffffffe0(%rbp),%r12
mov 0xffffffffffffffe8(%rbp),%r13
mov 0xfffffffffffffff0(%rbp),%rax
lock cmpxchg %r12,0x0(%r13)
mov %rax,(%rbx)

Obviously, not a killer (since it can be worked around), but annoying nevertheless.

A similar error happens in this code:

uint64_t retval;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("lock xaddq %0, (%1)"
    :"+r" (retval)
    :"r" (operand)

It would appear that PGI completely ignores the bitwidth of output data!


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