A few untitled's
I found these while cleaning, and liked them enough to share (they’re extremely old, and probably border on love-poetry fluff… but what the heck. fluff has it’s place, and what the hell else am I gonna do with ‘em). Remember the license everything on this site is under.
Untitled 1
she said it wouldn’t be logical
but painful
she said I could never understand
and she could never explain
but I listen anyway
Untitled 2
there are never words
in the dance we do
only screams of pain
and gasps of joy
Untitled 3
You teach me heaven
and teach me hell
and for the journey in between,
you teach me love
Untitled 4
I am yours for everything
besting the demons in the art of pain
besting the angels in the art of ecstasy
I am yours to dance the dance of extremes